
BODHI PROJECT follows an independent path in the international contemporary dance scene and unfolds artistically an inimitable way with a great variety of choreographic voices.

BODHI PROJECT was founded 2008 in Salzburg by Susan Quinn with the ambition to provide emerging dance talents a suitable transition phase between dance study and their subsequent professional dance career. BODHI PROJECT is a professional dance company that offers yearly contracts and tours internationally.

The contemporary dance company is an independent repertory company resident in Salzburg. Since 2018, BODHI PROJECT is part of the blackmountain non-profit organization, an association to promote contemporary dance and performance in Austria and abroad. Since its existence more than 50 international choreographers have worked with BODHI PROJECT. About 200 performances have taken place during the last ten years in national and international venues. Around 55 dancers from more than 20 countries were until now members of this exceptional dance company.